16 Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids
Wednesday May 2, 2018 by Jason Smithson 1,084 words
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins at the bottom of the rectum. Approximately 50% of the population in the United States suffer with this embarrassing and painful issue and numbers are rising. The increasing numbers of hemorrhoid patients is partly due to the ageing population in the United States, but hemorrhoids are also caused by prolonged sitting, poor diet, constipation, obesity or pregnancy.
The good news is that this embarrassing medical problem can be avoided with a few simple diet and lifestyle changes. Read on for the full list of natural treatments for hemorrhoids.
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel is often used to soothe hemorrhoids and various skin problems. Rumoured to have anti-inflammatory properties, which might help sufferers.
Valentyn Volkov / shutterstock.com
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can be topically applied to help shrink hemorrhoids within a week. Apply oil using a clean cotton compress or sanitized fingers. Just be sure to clean and dry the area thoroughly before applying oil.
MaraZe / shutterstock.com
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has garnered a lot of attention as a natural hemorrhoid treatment due to its anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply it topically to hemorrhoids using a clean cotton swab or add a half cup to your bathwater for soaking. You should feel relief from hemorrhoid pain within a few short hours.
ThamKC / shutterstock.com
4. Flaxseed
As part of our everyday diet we all should aim to avoid constipation and hard stools, this can be achieved by eating plenty of high-fiber foods. Flaxseeds are high in fiber and efficient at relieving hemorrhoid pain, bleeding and hard stool. Fibrous foods will help increase the bulk in your stool, which softens bowel movements for and causes less straining.
Mary_Morgan / shutterstock.com
5. Witch Hazel
You should be cautious about what is placed on or near hemorrhoids, as they can easily become more inflamed and irritated. Many people apply witch hazel directly to the external hemorrhoids to find relief. A small amount of witch hazel added to a cotton ball and dabbed onto the effected area may provide some relief from many symptoms. If this makes symptoms worse, people should try a less direct method.
Martien van Gaalen / shutterstock.com
6. Sitz Baths
A sitz or hip bath is filled with enough water to cover a persons hips. Generally used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower part of the body. Sitz baths work by cleaning the affected area and increasing the blood flow.
Hemorrhoids sufferers should sit in the warm water for 15 minutes, several times a day — especially after a bowel movement. Some folks use a bathtub, but you can purchase custom made sitz baths from your pharmacy. Sometimes people add salt, baking soda, or vinegar to the water.
Alena Ozerova / shutterstock.com
7. Butcher’s Broom
Butcher’s broom (sometimes called box holly) is a plant that was once used as a cleaner and sanitizer. However, it has also been used as a traditional European remedy to promote blood circulation for treating hemorrhoids and varicose veins. You can find butcher’s broom in supplement form or steep a teaspoon of dried leaves in a tea with honey to lessen the bitterness.
TMsara / shutterstock.com
8. Tea Bags
Something as simple as a warm, moist teabag placed on a hemorrhoid can provide welcome relief thanks to the natural tannins, which are often used as a natural astringent for diminishing pain due to inflammation.
eriyalim / shutterstock.com
9. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut is a natural herb that’s been used throughout the ages to help with blood circulation. Used to soothe the painful swelling and inflammation of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, and to strengthen the walls of weak or collapsing veins, horse chestnut is best taken in capsule form or steeped as a tea.
Nataliia Melnychuk / shutterstock.com
10. Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like kefir, kimchi and raw, pastured yogurt can provide your digestive system with healthy bacteria. Several recent studies have shown that fermented foods improve intestinal tract health, synthesize and enhance the bioavailability of nutrients, modify gut pH and aid digestion.
marekuliasz / shutterstock.com
11. Limit Alcohol and Spicy Foods
Alcohol can extremely dehydrating and hard on the digestive system, making hemorrhoid symptoms far worse. And spicy foods can intensify the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some studies show that both alcohol and spicy foods consumption serve as risk factors for hemorrhoids, although the data isn’t consistent. To be safe, limit these foods until the hemorrhoids have cleared up.
Joshua Resnick / shutterstock.com
12. Citrus Fruits
Eating a diet that’s high in citrus fruits, which in turn are rich in bioflavonoids, a plant compound with anti-inflammatory benefits has proven to reduce hemorrhoid discomfort, itching, bleeding, and discharge, as well as to help strengthen weak blood vessels within mere days.
Maria Uspenskaya / shutterstock.com
13. Drink More Water
Constipation can be causedDehydration can lead to because water or fluids are required for fiber to travel smoothly through the digestive tract. Many studies have suggested that fluid loss and fluid restriction can increase constipation something which can worsen hemorrhoid symptoms. To relieve constipation and as a way for how to get rid of hemorrhoids, drink at least one glass of water with each meal and snack of the day.
Goodluz / shutterstock.com
14. Avoid Straining
If you strain whilst using the bathroom you’re working too hard and might be causing more damage than necessary. To avoid straining improve your diet and take more exercise.
aslysun / shutterstock.com
15. Avoid Prolonged Sitting on the Toilet
Sitting for too long on the toilet can be a problem. Only go when you feel the urge and do sit longer than necessary.
Demkat / shutterstock.com
16. Clean Yourself
If stool is left behind after you wipe, it can aggravate hemorrhoids even more, which is why it’s important to cleanse yourself thoroughly after going to the bathroom. Do not, however, cleanse yourself too roughly or use soaps that contain harsh chemicals, alcohol or perfumes. Instead, use plain water to wipe yourself and then dry your bottom afterward. A sitz bath, which involves sitting in warm water for 10 minutes, twice daily, is helpful to patients with anal itching, aching or burning and is known as one of the best ways to get rid of hemorrhoids fast.
dersigne / shutterstock.com

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